Image by BAKOKO
A meeting room is at the heart of any business big or small. It’s where all the important conversations happen, where deals are done, and where clients will spend the most amount of time – so it’s got to be common sense that getting the design right is important?
You might not realise it but the design of your meeting room could have an effect or whether or not you cinch that contract, set in stone that business relationship, or come up with that brilliant idea.
Here are 10 tips to make sure yours gets the right results:
Don’t Forget The Basics
How big does the meeting room need to be? This seems like a simple question but it’s one that’s easy to forget. Work out the maximum number of people it’s likely it will need to accommodate, and then do your sums. A cramped, crowded meeting room doesn’t have a good productivity vibe.
Invest In The Right Equipment
It’s no longer enough to simply have a meeting room that looks good. As more and more of our work and resources go digital, you have to have the right equipment to make your meeting room a fully functioning workspace. This means a computer, a whiteboard, a computer screen projector, and maybe even an interactive white board.
Get The Layout Right
The layout of your meeting room is one of the most important things to consider. There are a number of options to choose from, and which is best will depend on the predominant function of the room. The ‘classroom style’ or ‘theatre style’, with rows of desks and tables facing towards the front, is best for when attendees will be acting as an audience.
However, far more popular is the ‘boardroom style’, with seats around all sides of a large rectangular or circular table. This is the best style for encouraging participation, collaboration and discussion.
Alternatively, a U-shaped table is sometimes used for meetings where there is a main speaker presenting, but people around the table still need to be able to interact.
Make Sure It’s Comfortable
Everyone works better when they feel comfortable. Take extra care to choose the best chairs, and make sure they’re ergonomic. This means getting the seat height and width right, an adjustable back and armrests, and the ability to swivel. This might all sound a bit pricey, but you can loan office furniture to help you spread the costs.
Finally, make sure seats are reasonably spaced out so that people aren’t elbow to elbow, and provide enough room so that people can get up and stretch their legs.
What’s Your Company Image?
If the room is intended to be used by clients, the design and décor will influence how they view your company. Carefully think about your brand, and the image you want to give people from the outside.
For a trendy, young company modern décor, bright colours and striking artwork might work, whereas for a law firm this wouldn’t be appropriate. Make sure you spend time getting it right.
Make It Look Nice
Aside from making sure it’s comfortable and communicates the right image, your meeting room actually needs to be a pleasant space to spend time in- this means making it look nice. Make sure there is plenty of natural light, as this has been shown to enhance productivity, and is much more appealing than the dreadful fluorescent variety. Make sure furniture and décor are attractive and complimentary to one another.
Consider The Colour
Research has shown that colour can have a dramatic effect on our mood, so it would be silly not to consider what effect you want your meeting room to elicit. Ideal colours to go for are blue which is associated with calm, trustworthiness and dependability, and green which encourages a relaxed and refreshed mood.
Add Some Plants
Plants are often heralded as office essentials due to their positive effects on our health and hence our productivity. So surely it makes sense to have them in your meeting room too? Not only do they remove toxins from the air improving our environment, but the sight of a little bit of nature has a calming and cheering effect.
Make sure you can easily provide guests with amenities, such as food and water, in long meetings. A buffet table provides you with a surface for serving food and drink, and a fridge is a good idea so that you don’t have to keep getting someone to go out for more. A water dispenser is also a useful addition.
Think carefully about the location of your meeting room. Make sure it’s not a trek away from a toilet- but don’t put it right outside or you’ll have people constantly walking past. You also need to make sure that it’s away from your main open plan office. You don’t want any prospective clients over-hearing employees talking about their annoying boyfriends!
As the heart of your office, the place where contracts are discussed, deals done and ideas imagined, your meeting room is pretty important- so it’s important to get the design right. Follow these tips to make sure you get the best results.
Do you know any meeting room design tips that are effective? Let us know in the comments.